#Profit is God.

What Is Business Coaching And Why Do You Really Need It?

  • What Does A Business Coach Do?
  • What Can Business Coach Help With?
  • Is A Small Business Coach Different?
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According to recent data, 90 percent of startups fail. That means your average entrepreneur will experience at least one business failure in their lifetime, and probably more. While few are willing to talk about it, these failures naturally fuel things like depression, addiction, and other struggles. "Only recently, after the tragic suicide of Jody Sherman, CEO of a startup called Ecomom, did the technology community begin to publicly acknowledge the problems with its 'entrepreneur as hero' narrative," Erin Griffith of Fortune.com wrote in September 2014. "Publicly admitting to failure, and examining it, can take guts. It also distils the narrative to a case study from which other entrepreneurs can learn." Griffith is referencing a case study conducted by CB Insights that looked at 101 post-mortem essays from startup founders whose ventures failed. According to the data, there are a handful of common reasons for why startups fail. A strong 42 percent say a lack of market need for their product is the number one reason, followed by a shortage of capital, having the wrong team, and getting out-competed.

Depression and Addiction are effects of Failure

The question of how to avoid startup failure is an entirely different topic. What is meant to be highlighted here are the negative side effects of failure and how entrepreneurs can free themselves from the shackles of depression that often lead to addiction and other struggles.

Signs of Business failure

Lack of Cash / customers are paying late / constantly fire fighting issues / loss of key customers. Failure can make you feel demoralised, helpless, hopeless, anxious, pain, remorse, shame, humiliation, anger and guilt.

“Forget past mistakes. Forget failures.
 Forget everything except what you’re going to do now and do it.” – William Durant

Business Challenges

  1. Uncertainty about the future
  2. Financial management
  3. Monitoring performance
  4. Regulation & Compliances
  5. Competencies and recruiting right talent
  6. Technology
  7. Exploding Data
  8. Customer service
  9. Maintaining reputation
  10. Knowing when to embrace change
  11. Make an ENQUIRY

We are helping Businesses to evolve from a Concept to Legacy. Whether you are starting your entrepreneurial journey or a seasoned business owner, our 360° Strategic solutions will create value towards your Growth and empower you to overcome greater challenges and leverage lucrative opportunities effectively.

Re-energize your life and business

Business coaches create owner accountability.

Business coaching is a process used to take a business from where it is now to where the business owner wants it to be.

Coaching and Mentoring can sometimes be confused since both roles are bringing their years of experience to the table. The biggest difference is that a mentor focuses on advising while a coach will assist the owner in goal planning and keep them accountable so that they achieve success. A critical component of business coaching is accountability. You will never see a football coach run laps of the field for their team. The very same fact is true of a business coach. A business coach is not a consultant. They will not do the work for you in your business. They are there to keep you focused on the end result and remind you why it is important. They will motivate you to keep your commitments. They will act as a sounding board and when needed hold a mirror in front of you, highlighting your business and personal blind spots.

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My monthly business coaching sessions help me maintain accountability and focus on setting goals and meeting them.”

Coaching is a way of revitalizing the support provided to personnel, teams and organizations to help them define and implement their strategies.

Whether you are running a small, local business or looking to build a worldwide company, the benefits of business coaching cannot be overstated.

Running a business can often feel like a very solitary pursuit. However, as with most things in life, having an experienced mentor that you can rely on is one of the most valuable resources available to business owners.

You see

Most business owners looking for advice on how to grow their company have a limited amount of resources to turn to.

Sure, there are countless online articles and EBooks on how to build and grow a business, but, at the end of the day, every business is unique and generic advice is hardly a suitable substitute for personalized guidance.

Thankfully, there’s now a service where business owners can receive the personalized guidance they need to answer their difficult questions and make their organization a success – business coaching.

Business coaches build actionable plans.

Business coach will set direction and foundation for your Business Growth with clear Vision, defined Mission and measurable Management Goals aligned with high level Strategic Roadmap and transform your Mindset, widen your Perspective, elevate Thoughts and evolve Methods to overcome challenges and meet the needs of your constantly evolving Business.

  • Strategize your marketing method to create Value, communicate effectively, increase Outreach, develop Brand Identity, reduce Spends and increase return on investment.
  • Build a performance oriented Team with right Talent, clearly defined Roles and aligned Resources to drive Efficiency and retain Talent.
  • Strategize Identify Strengths - Weaknesses, channelize Energy and explore Business Operations to optimize your resources and monitor Output to arrest Leakages, improve Efficiency and optimize Performance towards Business Auto-pilot.
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Famous Entrepreneurs Who Had Business Coaching

About business coaching

  • This is not a how to coach certification programme. We are not going to pretty up your office wall with another certificate.
  • It‘s not a Get rich quick course.
  • No magic pills and no promise of 6 figures overnight. It’s not one where you can sit back and watch. Do the work and build it right way and you will be successful.
  • Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better. The word you is the key here.
  • Believe in yourself by knowing you have done everything to be ready.
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Expect a Change

A lack of persistence is a great obstacle to success. There are so many incredibly talented and gifted people who fail time and time again because they rely too much on their talents. They are not willing to persist until they've completely mastered what they're doing

Who can use Business coach? PROGRAMME that fits for you

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Business owners
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Business Professionals